ULTIMATE research participant screener template - Premium quality & easy to use
⭐ Best-selling screener template ⭐
💡 Solves the biggest bottleneck of user research -- finding participants 💡
100s of extremely satisfied customers
Best template to get the right research participants in and out of your study!
Includes 4 individual sheets - Instructions, Worksheet, Responses, and Schedule.
This Google spreadsheet includes a schedule sheet to help you easily manage the participant recruitment process.
After spending years trying every hack to overcome the difficulties of finding participants for research, and closely watching professional participant recruiters I worked with closely at Google for 7 years, I have figured out that when it comes to finding participants for research, organization is key! And that's why I created and perfected a template with the aim to make the difficult task of finding the right participants, easy.
Success isn't a giant leap, but small little steps over a long time. And with this template, you'll be making every single step count toward a successful research project.
Product benefits
The tracker is divided into 4 different sheets and a form:
- Instructions with detailed explanations on how to use the template.
- Worksheet which will guide you on crafting screener form questions that will generate a list of great research participant candidates.
- Responses where all of the detailed screener form answers are gathered. This is the primary sheet for effectively deciding who is to be screened in and out of the study.
- Schedule where you manage the project of participant recruitment before and after the study is completed.
- Screener form which includes sample questions to help you determine which ones are good to use for your recruitment process. The form feeds the Responses sheet once people use it.
Product features
This Google spreadsheet includes four individual sheets and a screener form that feeds one of these sheets -- detailed instruction sheet, a worksheet, a responses sheet, and a schedule sheet -- to organize all of the participant recruitment information in one place and set up the course for successfully completing it.
Available as an instant access link to Google sheets. No PDFs or physical copies.
How to use the product
Simply make a copy of the spreadsheet and follow the detailed instructions on the first sheet to make the most of your new research participant recruitment tool. I have made it so simple, even someone who has never used planners before can get started within minutes.
Can I share this with others?
The spreadsheet is to be used by the purchaser only and cannot be reproduced, shared, or distributed without the creator's consent.
Is this template good for a beginner dipping the toes into user research?
Absolutely. This template is designed for beginners and veterans who want to launch a research study and efficiently manage the process of finding the right participants for a research study project - participants who meet the requirements, who are willing to participate, and who are available per your study schedule.
What's the refund policy?
If what you see is not what you expected, just reply to the download email within 30 days, and you'll get a full refund. No questions asked.
Can I share this template with my team?
This version is for individual use only, but you can also get a license to share within your team, class, or organization.
You'll get access to a spreadsheet with a template to manage a research participant recruitment project.